Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Moos Boos and Udders for 7/22

Here are our Moos, Boos, and Udders for 7/22.

+ Jera got a job!
- Hannah going back to work on Monday and first week of school
- Beth had coworker Jeremy that had to quit jobs and take care of parents
~ Mandy's grandmother coming to town
+ Hannah turned 23!
~ Billy taking the bar next week
- Jera is gone :-(
- Mitchell has to clean up quickly before she comes back :-)
++ Mark has a place!! WOOHOOMOO!!
+ Josh is moving into the new apartment next Sunday

+ Blood drive this Saturday at Vintage, sign up online for times
+ Bowling at 7:30pm at Pleasant Valley (Duraleigh Rd.) next Wednesday

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Moos, Boos, Udders for 7/8/09

+Jack and Beth's Cat
~Lisa and Billy's trip
~Porter and Charlie's new home
-Emily moving out
+New roomie for Christine
~Emily getting a job
-Jack's friend's father and family
-Ocracoke fireworks
-Bob's mom
+Marks' interview and winning trivia
-Mark's friends unemployment
+Josh's coworker's son
+Josh's BIRTHDAY!!!!
+Jack won poker
+Jessica's brother bone marrow aspiration going well!
+Mitchell got a job
~Jera searching for a job
+Alemeta got flowers

July Potluck

Jera: cheesy rice
Mitchell: lemonade
Christine: brownies & ice cream
Jack & Beth: banana pudding

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Moos Boos and Udders for 7/1

Here are our moos, boos, and udders from community group!

- Christine and Caroline are sick
~ Hannah's class
+ Mandy's back
- Mandy and Josh's wording
+ Thomas and Tatina's Wedding
- Mitchell and Jera jobs
+ Mark showing Billy about water
+ Mark's new job prospects
+ Almetta's granddaughter was delivered successfully, and her doctor visit went well
+ Mitchell officially weighs under 200 lbs

+ Jack and Beth cooking next week
+ Mowing Almetta's yard for next week Tuesday/Thursday evening - need to figure out how to get mowers and weed eaters (Matt Barry, can you help?)
+ Leigh Ann social activity for July