Monday, November 3, 2008

Hey guys!

Tomorrow night will be our election night bash!!  WOOT!!  We will be meeting at my house at 7:00 pm: 125 Pineland Circle Raleigh,NC.  It will last until everyone trickles out.  As most of you know, the candidates actually aren't decided until late in the night/early next morning so people can stay as long or as little as they like.

E-mail me and let me know if you are coming and what dish you are bringing (  Your dish should have a fun political bashing candidates though!  We are going to be welcoming to everyone.  I will be supplying drinks and one dish.  Below is what everyone is bringing so far:

Patrick - "Campaign Trail" Mix
Jera and Mitchell - "Left Wings" and "Right Wings"
Jessica - "Elephant Ears and Donkey Tails"
Matt - "Republichips and Dipocrats"
Lisa - "McBama's Mama's Mash"

Fun games like pin the tail on the donkey (or trunk on the elephant) will also ensue.  Can't wait to see everyone there! :)

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