Saturday, September 22, 2007

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

For Ladies: See the v21 Journey Class description below. There will be some women from our group attending this course and we would love to have some more! All you have to do is read the first two chapters of the book and show up this Thursday to join in. Let me know if you want to join me. -Jera

Women's Study: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Thursdays, 7pm V21 space / Sept. 27 - Nov. 1 / Contact info: Fiquet Bailey

Even women who were close followers of Christ during his time on this Earth fell in the same trap that many do today, being too busy. Such a story appears in scripture when two sisters were being visited by Christ. One sister, Martha, was busy doing the typical household duties of a woman in the early first century trying to care for her guests. The other sister however, Mary, was sitting at the feet of Christ listening to his teaching, forgetting to help her sister. Johanna Weaver has taken this story from scripture and written an acclaimed book that takes a look at how to balance a busy life and and your desire to serve the Lord without neglecting to actually have a relationship with Him.

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