Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What really grinds my the request of Jera.

Do you know what really grinds my gears? Clapping while singing. Let me explain, I'm in church, the words come up on the screen, and we start singing. So far I'm fine, I feel confident that I pretty much know the words (in reality though I just think I do). Then at some point in the song the inevitable happens, the guy up front lets go of his guitar, takes a few steps forward in front of his microphone, and moves his arms in almost a slow flying motion to induce a *clap*. A few over-enthusiastic follow quickly, with the same wide clapping motion, or the over the head clap. But beat after beat this small group of clappers grows larger and larger, a wave of claps get closer and closer to me. And since during the song my hands have been shuffling between hanging out in my pockets, and hanging by my side, they feel they want to join in the fun, even though my head is telling the hands there's no way he can pull it all off. But they disagree and attempt to follow along. "I'll *clap* fly away *clap* O glory*clap* I'll..," but then it happens...the off-beat the cavity of silence between the group clap is filled with my solitary clap, I feel the burning stares of people around me for disrupting the angelic song.

I admit it alright!...I'm not an ambiclap-singer. I can do one or the other but doing both is tougher than biting my own elbow (you know you're trying to do it as we speak). I just hope that either I can let my hands know that I'm the boss and they may not under any circumstances clap during a song, or that there is a place for people like me, who through therapy, can be an equal in the clap-singing world that I live in...

...and thats what really grinds my gears.

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