Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Moos, Boos, & Udders from 4.29.09

Here are our moos, boos and udders from Community Group from this past Wednesday!

- Lisa's really really really big project at work to get completed
- Jack's friend who is having a hard time
- Beth's new position possibility and her new photography gig
+Leigh Ann's plane pull, and sister's cat coming back
- Christine's getting married this weekend, stress with Father
+ Emily's contract extended, but boo for co-worker's baby
- Mark's friend who died in an accident
+Mark's basketball tournament for scholarship
+Mark only punched one door at work
+Mark won another radio call-in at work - Tickets to see puppet comedian
+Mark's Bruce Springstein tickets

One of my favorite quotes from the night:

"I'm on a moo rampage" - Mark

As we go this week, lets learn to rejoice! I will say it again, Rejoice!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

More on Matthew 28:1-10

From last night's discussion, I just wanted to share a few things that were on my heart to share.

The first, is a quote from Oswald Chambers, which I think really encompasses how easy it is for us to be unable to receive inspiration from God, mainly because we are hardened some of the familiar doctrine's like the resurrection.

God cannot reveal anything to us if we have not His Spirit. An obstinate outlook will effectually hinder God from revealing anything to us. If we have made up our minds about a doctrine, the light of God will come no more to us on that line, we cannot get it. This obtuse stage will end immediately His resurrection life has its way with us.
As we go about our day-to-day life, I hope that we will start to wrestle with the message of the gospel, and that we will seek God's inspiration to show us what it really means for our lives. Like the disciples, perhaps the more that we understand the freedom and hope that it brings, the more we will feel compelled and inspired to live a life in response.

Here are some additional verses that may be helpful to read and reflect on throughout this week:
Acts 4:13
1 Corinthians 15:14
John 20:11-19

Moos, Boos, and Udders for 4-15

Here is a list of our group's prayer requests (aka moos, boos, udders) from yesterday's Community Group!

+ Beth is training a person for her old job and she's moving to another position
+ Mark's job - getting to work with his roommates
+ Jera as she travels
- Billy and Mandy's exams in the next couple of weeks
~Josh to go back to school for web design

I hope we'll also praise God for the change in our community group, and continue to pray for Patrick and Woose as they begin to lead.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Help with moving

Hey guys,
I have a friend that is moving on Friday and I was wondering if there where going to be any guys in town that would be able to help me move the big stuff. We are not going to start moving until 12pm. If any one is free after 12pm on Friday and can help shoot me an email or give me a call.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

cGroup Planting Celebration

This week we celebrating the planting of a new cGroup and you are all invited to the party of all themes. There is so much going on that we just couldn't decide on just one. There are so many different themes to this party, it is sure to have something for everyone. So come prepared to join in the excitement! We hope to see you all Wednesday at 7:00pm!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

v21 Easter Events

Palm Sunday: We don't want to miss the full effect of the resurrection, so this Sunday, Palm Sunday, we'll be focusing on the significance of the blood that was shed by Jesus and what that means for us.

Maundy Thursday: Mark your calendar to join us at our Raleigh campus Thursday, April 9 at 7pm for a time of prayer, reflection, worship as we embrace the fullness of the depth of Maundy Thursday.

Raleigh Easter: Raleigh's biggest and best Easter egg hunt will be Saturday, April 11 at Moore Square Park. This event is a very simple and practical way to love and bless our city. We're praying that God will open doors for the gospel through this event. We still need your help to make it a success! Please be praying for the event, please come to the event, and if you're able, please contact us to volunteer! Email our V21 Kids Director, Todd Perkins, to get plugged in (

Easter Sunday: Stay in the Triangle and celebrate Jesus' resurrection with our Vintage21 Church family! Join us in praying that God will fill our campuses with folks so that they can hear about Jesus and the significance of the resurrection. Statistics show that unchurched folks are 46% more likely to come to church on Easter, so be in prayer about who you can invite to join you for Easter Sunday!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Philippians 3:1-11

Some questions and thoughts to discuss:

The word “rubbish” in verse 8 is a somewhat problematic word to translate. It refers to both excrement (and is sometimes translated as “dung”) and to garbage, and appears to be something of a vulgar term. Both because of the debate around how vulgar this word is, and because no publisher will actually publish swear words in a Bible, most translations render this word with the lowest dramatic effect possible.

Paul is not exactly a model of politeness in this passage. He suggests that his opponents mutilate
themselves, and uses a term that may have been rather offensive (translated as “rubbish”) a few sentences later. What separates Paul’s statements from the sort of vulgarity-laced shouting match that our culture sees far too much of (like on television and even in public)?
Odds are that some of us will be uncomfortable with Paul’s offensiveness, and that others will be uncomfortable with the suggestion that offensiveness is “non-Christian”. Which side do you fall on?
While Jesus is at times offensive (1 Peter 2:8) to some hearers, it should not be our personal goal to offend others for the sake of offense. What is the ultimate aim of our communication?
Does the nature of the Gospel give us license to be offensive in our communication?
How does the way we speak influence the outcome of our speaking?

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moos, Boos and Udders from 4-1

Here are the prayer requests from our community group meeting on 4/1/09:

- Jack's grandmother and grandfather
- Mandy's brother and Passover
- Daniel's family
- Nia's sickness
- Josh's cough
+ Mandy's presentation
~ Patrick and Woose's Community group plant