Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Moos, Boos and Udders

~beth's job with the internet
-matt's kelly's family member with cancer
-nate's dad, jack's friend, is in a chemically induced coma with 7 broken vertebrae
-leigh ann's grandfather passed
+mark went bowling
+lisa and billy's taking over of the cgroup
~billy is getting very intimidated/challenged by the bar

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moos Boos and Udders 6-17

Keep these prayers in mind over the rest of this week!

+ Josh got a raise!
+ Josh is wearing a 3 piece suit
- Mark's housing
- Christine's coworker's mom is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
- Leigh Ann's grandfather and family
~ Jera and Mitchell's job search
+ Leigh Ann's presentation that she rocked out
+ Leigh Ann's cousin's dance recital
- Billy's studying
- Mark's friend grandfather passed away
+ Nia and Hannah going shopping together
- Almeta twisted her ankle, but granddaughter is pregnant and is going to have to have the plate replaced

+ VBS July 17th contact
+ KFC night next week
+ Community group members are invited to Hollar's house after wedding if needed

Monday, June 15, 2009

June Potluck

The who is bringing what:

Lisa: Macaroni & Cheese
Mitchell: Sweet Tea
Christine: Salad

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Moos, Boos, and Udders on June 10th

The following are our Moos, Boos, and Udders from Community Group.

+ Mark finding housing in the interim period between permanent housing/ pray for moving
+ Beth's family vacay!
+ Mark is going camping
- Factory explosion in Garner and families and workers affected
- Leigh Ann's grandfather and recent life change

+VBS at Vintage will be conducted through community groups or volunteering with inner city kids within these areas the week of July 17
+Benevolence offering at church on 28th
+Trivia on Tuesday nights with Mark - let him know if you are interested!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Advance '09

I thought I would post a link to the Advance '09 talks.

Advance 09

I would recommend Tyler's talk "The Resurgence of the Local Church" and "Ministry Idolatry" by Mark Driscoll


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Moo's, Boo's and Udders from 6/3

Here are our Moo's, Boo's, and Udders from 6/3:

~ Hannah's job and roommate
+ Beth's company has a new president and they are tight
- Coworker got taken out of program
~ Beth's presentation, pray that she has the right recommendation
~ Leigh Ann has a new role coming available, has to make a decision by Friday
~ Billy in preparation for the bar
- Mandy is gone for 4 weeks in BFE, and he is editing photos
- Hannah's EOG's, Jera & Caroline's EOC's
+ Advance 09
- Daniel's grandfather and family
+ Emily & Christine going to the renewing of vows
+ Mark's friend's wife is pregnant
- Mark is looking for a roommate and has a "B,C, D, and F" plan
+ Mark's Bruce Springstein said the Greensboro crew was the loudest


+ Resound is on Friday night
+ Advance 09' this weekend
+ Leigh Ann is cooking for next week!
+ Lisa is planning an event for June - watch out for the fun...(and try to hold Saturday night of the 20th)