Saturday, September 29, 2007

Clark Dining Hall Lunch

After the 11:30 service this Sunday (9/30), I will be going to Clark dining hall on the NCSU campus all you can eat brunch and lunch buffet. It is right under $6 for some fun all you can eat! If you want to join me, just let me know!


Thursday, September 27, 2007

What really grinds my gears...feel free to comment.

Do you know what really grinds my gears? Handshakes. Now not all handshakes are bad. When I meet someone new or bump into someone who's not, or never has been, an actual friend, I think the handshake is quite appropriate. Also if the handshake's purpose is to pull into a hug, there's nothing wrong with that. It's the handshake between friends that resembles two business partners shaking to close a deal. And those who shake this way don't just make it a greeting shake, but turn it into the "ahola" of greetings and use it for the goodbye as well.

What's wrong with this you ask? The problem is, I'm not your business partner, I'm not your colleague, and I'm not your friend's dad. I'm your friend, and friends hug. Now if you're one who's not keen on the hug, not a problem, a simple wave will suffice or just the word hello.

Up to now I've been silent and passive on the issue, but now that I've sent the warning, I'm also turning the tables. If you insist on greeting me in a way that makes me feel like my dad, I'll go ahead and one up you, go on offense, and also extend my left hand out for the "elbow grab". And who does the elbow grab you ask? Old people, that's who. So if you make me feel like my dad, then you're gonna feel like your grandpa. Now honestly it doesn't have to go there. Simply go in for the hug or the "howdy" whatever your pleasure. But please please handshakes...

...and that's what really grinds my gears.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

What really grinds my the request of Jera.

Do you know what really grinds my gears? Clapping while singing. Let me explain, I'm in church, the words come up on the screen, and we start singing. So far I'm fine, I feel confident that I pretty much know the words (in reality though I just think I do). Then at some point in the song the inevitable happens, the guy up front lets go of his guitar, takes a few steps forward in front of his microphone, and moves his arms in almost a slow flying motion to induce a *clap*. A few over-enthusiastic follow quickly, with the same wide clapping motion, or the over the head clap. But beat after beat this small group of clappers grows larger and larger, a wave of claps get closer and closer to me. And since during the song my hands have been shuffling between hanging out in my pockets, and hanging by my side, they feel they want to join in the fun, even though my head is telling the hands there's no way he can pull it all off. But they disagree and attempt to follow along. "I'll *clap* fly away *clap* O glory*clap* I'll..," but then it happens...the off-beat the cavity of silence between the group clap is filled with my solitary clap, I feel the burning stares of people around me for disrupting the angelic song.

I admit it alright!...I'm not an ambiclap-singer. I can do one or the other but doing both is tougher than biting my own elbow (you know you're trying to do it as we speak). I just hope that either I can let my hands know that I'm the boss and they may not under any circumstances clap during a song, or that there is a place for people like me, who through therapy, can be an equal in the clap-singing world that I live in...

...and thats what really grinds my gears.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

September Potluck

Wednesday, September 26th our group will have another fun night enjoying a potluck together. We will meet at 7pm at Jera's townhouse

Email with what you would like to bring, if you can (! Here is what we have so far:

Matt: bacon wrapped bbq shrimp
David: an entree
Jera: a dessert (probably cake since it is my favorite)
Lisa: baked ziti
hannaH: side dish
Patrick: vegetable side dish and possibly some fruit
Leigh Ann: shrimp caesar salad
Elizabeth: drinks

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

For Ladies: See the v21 Journey Class description below. There will be some women from our group attending this course and we would love to have some more! All you have to do is read the first two chapters of the book and show up this Thursday to join in. Let me know if you want to join me. -Jera

Women's Study: Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World

Thursdays, 7pm V21 space / Sept. 27 - Nov. 1 / Contact info: Fiquet Bailey

Even women who were close followers of Christ during his time on this Earth fell in the same trap that many do today, being too busy. Such a story appears in scripture when two sisters were being visited by Christ. One sister, Martha, was busy doing the typical household duties of a woman in the early first century trying to care for her guests. The other sister however, Mary, was sitting at the feet of Christ listening to his teaching, forgetting to help her sister. Johanna Weaver has taken this story from scripture and written an acclaimed book that takes a look at how to balance a busy life and and your desire to serve the Lord without neglecting to actually have a relationship with Him.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Prayers from 9/12/07

Prayers from our last modest cattle home group:

  • Kevin to get better
  • Leigh Ann to recover fully from surgery
  • Matt to find a new and fitting situation
  • The future of the modest cattle

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Prayer at V21

Prayer Meeting:

"If God is who He says He is, why don’t we pray more? If you need prayer or would like to join others, come out for these times of prayer: Thursdays from 5-6 pm, and Saturday morning from 10-11 am. We will pray for each other, the people of the Triangle and the world, and God's work through Vintage21."

Wednesday, September 5, 2007