Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Prayer Requests for 3-17

Here are our prayer requests coming out of this week:

+ Kelly's parents are in Kazikstan
+ Mandy got nominated for a scholarship
- Mandy has to write an essay
+ Hollar's aunt had surgery, doing better now - pray for recovery
~ Mark's mother flying to Oklahoma taking care of parents
- Jessica's test and feeling better
+ Mark's hurricane tickets
+ Job
+ Sam's Mom still in ICU, but slowly getting better
- Sam's family during this time
+ Billy feeling better

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

1/27/10 Moos, Boos + UDDERS

~Jack gets sprayed
+LA gets to see spray
+Josh got employee of the quarter
+Hannah taught great lesson and got to live with cats this week
+Matt's grandpa test came out good
+Kelly home tomorrow and safe travel
+Mark's gpa doin well with treatment
-Mark's gma has cancer
+Mark's father and brother coming for the weekend
-Mark needs some sleep

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Moos Boos and Udders 1/13/10

~Matt has interview tomorrow
~Kelly has safe travels
-Jack getting hurt
-Allison's neighbor going through very hard time
-Mandy's school
+Jessica's tan and surviving security

Tell Leigh Ann if you are interested in Wicked
Need help with Deborah this week (dinners, visits...)
Allison and Scott-Superbowl party
Leigh Ann's B-day celebration

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Moos Boos and Udders 1/6/10

~Kelly travels
+Wicked tickets on sale
+Leigh Ann's B-day Jan 22nd, birthday weekend extravaganza!
~/+ Lisa's coworker pregnant
-Mandy starting school
~Jack on trip with Dad and starts intense training
+Mark got new Bible
+Josh saving money on health insurance