Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Moos, Boos, & Udders for 5.27.09

+ Emily's date
- Woosewoo's dad in N. Korea
+ Mark's Mom's marriage
- Mark's brother and mom
+ 12 days of school
~ Beth's family vacation plan
~ Jobs and home for the Hawns

- Mrs. Almeta coming up next Thursday
- Bring clothes to the Hawn's for sacrificial Saturday
- Pool party at the Hawn's next week
- Patrick's party this Friday

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hey guys I thought that I would post a link to this post on the Vintage21 forum. I found it very interesting as a person that tithes 10%. I found it convicting how if framed the question at the end of the post.

I like to hear the group's thoughts on the subject.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Moos, Boos, and Udders for 5-20

Here are our Moos, Boos, and Udders from our Community Group this week!

+ Josh found a Master's program for web development and design. Can still work as well!
+ Mark (Josh's friend) will be going to church on Sunday, pray for wife.
- If coworker gets fired, he may get more work and no raise.
+ Josh sharing Jesus at work.
- Mitchell's family friend, Frank from church has throat cancer. Pray for family and his health as he undergoes radiation.
- Mark will be homeless on June 15th - needs to find a place to live!
- Mark's friend has a birthday today and is still looking for a job and is living and caring for his mother
~Work cliques at Lisa's work
+ Mandy's future roommate in 1 week 1/2.
- Mandy being 5 hours away!
- Jera and Mitchell moving in the summer. Pray they find jobs and a home.

+ Mowing at Ms. Wallace's house at 6:30 - if you can help, meet at Jera's at 6:15
+ Clothing drive at Vintage 21 on Saturday - 11:30 am.
+ Cookout at the swimming pool next Community Group meeting
+ Camping - we will meet at Jera's at 9:30. Gas, food, and campsite will be included in the price. Bring 5$ for the ferry ride. Bring your own Bible!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May Potluck

The who is bring what:

Mitchell: sweet tea
Jera: bread
Lisa: macaroni & cheese
Emily: mexican 7 layer bean dip
Mandy: entree

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moos, Boos, and Udders from 5-13

Here are our Moos, Boos, ad Udders from our Community Group meeting!

- Jack's boss' mother-in-law
+ Billy's Graduation and family coming into town
~ Lisa for cleaning to prepare for the visit
+ Lisa's brother just got engaged
~ Hannah's job and finding a roommate in the next 2 weeks
+ Mark went to Asheville to play basketball, raised 25k toward scholarship
+ Mark's car repair was minor, and it runs smoother than a 5$ milkshake
+ Josh's housing arrangement
+ Josh's uncle's wife just had a baby!
~ (for the name)

+ Free beach music at North Hills every Thursday night (Hannah and Nia are going if interested)
+ Camping trip on the beach - Leaving Saturday and coming back (see Hollar for details)
+ Yardwork for Center for Volunteer Caregiving - Tuesdays seem to work for everyone (see mitch for more information)
+ Volunteer at Vintage! (see Billy for more details)

Have a great rest of the week!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Member's Night

The next Members Night is Tuesday, 5/12/09, 7pm, at the church building. Members Night is open to EVERYBODY, even if you're not a Member of Vintage21 Church. It's a great opportunity to learn more about where we've been, where we're going, and how we're doing as God's church.
Food provided!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Moos, Boos, & Udders from 4.29.09

+ Mandy done with school with excellent grades
+ Hollar's work friend
- Park ranger's, Jack, and family of deceased
- Hollar's sisters wedding
+ Daniel's A
- Leigh's Aunt Bertha
+ Matt's house
- Beth's coworker termination, and transitioning her position

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Summer at v21

SUMMER SERVICE TIMES: On May 10, we will begin our summer service schedule. Make note! Our Raleigh campus will have services at 9am, 11am, and 6pm. In Durham, the service will continue to be at 11am.

SUMMER SERIES: ADVANCING THE LOCAL CHURCH: This series will begin May 10 and will lead us up to the Advance09 conference, which is June 4-6 in Durham. The series will allow us to look at and understand what it means to be a gospel-centered church that works to bring the redemption of Jesus to the city we're in. It's going to be exciting; make sure to be there, and bring a friend!