Wednesday, April 16, 2008

V21 Spiritual Gifts Assessment

Vintage21 is hosting a spiritual gift, personality trait and leadership style assessment next Tuesday, April 22 (Owners Night) at 7pm -- Vintage21 Church. This will be a great chance for you to discover the spiritual gifts that Jesus has given each Follower of Christ and help you determine how to use them at Vintage21. These assessments are completely electronic and are actually pretty fun to take! So, if you haven't registered yet and you’re an owner, regular attender or just beginning to come to Vintage21, we would love for you to join us!
Already found your place to serve at Vintage21? Use these assessments as a tool to help you grow and develop within your ministry. And who knows, you may even find out that Jesus has given you gifts that you didn’t realize!
PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED, so email by April 21 to reserve your spot at the assessment. Vintage21 will pay for anyone who attends Owners Night to take this powerful assessment. Following this event, there will be a fee of $10/person to take the assessment.
If you plan to attend and have a laptop or two that you can bring with you, let us know when you register so we can make sure we have plenty of laptops for the evening.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The gifts are used by us in our day to day life and thus they serve as affectionate gifts also. They help the organization or company to build a good relation with the clients and bridge the gap between the consumers and the company.