Thursday, February 12, 2009

Moos Boos and Udders for 2/11

Here are our prayer requests for our community group meeting on 2/11.

- Hannah's classroom move, and being in charge of the other classroom
- Rob's brother with leukemia
- Elizabeth's research on homelessness
- Woosie's sister's thyroid surgery
- Beth's co-worker Brandon
+ Jessica's brother's bone marrow transplant
+ Hannah's student not choking
+ Leigh Ann's worker gall bladder surgery
~ Patrick's forgiveness :-)

Lets keep these requests in our prayers this week!

Also, here's a little quote from last night that I thought was worth posting:

"I'm just not a duster" - Hannah

1 comment:

Jess said...

My brother had a bone marrow aspiration, which is where they check to make sure his bone marrow is making healthy blood cells instead of leukemia cells. It was in fact clear of those cancer cells which is wonderful. His treatment continues however.