Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 14, 2009 Moos, Boos, & Udders

~Hannah moving her desk
-Beth's company wide wage cuts
+Beth was not affected
~Beth giving Leigh Ann her resume
~Beth's brother shipped out to Afghanistan
+Mandy and Josh had fun at Cold Play last week
+Mandy misses Josh, but he's going to beach with her this weekend
-Josh has to do apartment stuff w/out Mandy
+Jera loves new job even though it's a lot of work
-Mitchell's job situation
+Mark got a free washer and dryer
+Mark's work is going well this week
+Billy bought a Hyundai Station Wagon
+Matt & Kelly back from honeymoon & happily married now

-Saturday, September 12, 2009: Party at Josh's new apartment (basketball, pool, games, food, a day of fun)

1 comment:

ThinkonwhatisTrue said...

I forgot to add the announcement about roller skating next Monday! Don't forget August 17, 2009 we are going Skating at Jellybeans! Come out for some food, fun, & fellowship!