Sunday, May 24, 2009


Hey guys I thought that I would post a link to this post on the Vintage21 forum. I found it very interesting as a person that tithes 10%. I found it convicting how if framed the question at the end of the post.

I like to hear the group's thoughts on the subject.



Mandy said...

Tithing has always been pretty hard for me. When I think about people who have no money, I feel it is legitimate that they don't tithe. However, I do not think this way anymore, because all we have is God. If we truly believe He is going to take care of us, He will. It probably won't be in the way we want, but it will be His way. As far as the percentage, I really haven't been in a situation yet were I work full time, but I feel like it should be a heart issue. That we should come to God and give what we can back to Him.

Jera said...

I think the thing that has really reshaped our thinking about tithing is the comment that Tyler made that if we truly are trusting in God with our money that we will be able to notice the effect in our bank account that tithing has done. No matter the percentage or the amount it might hurt a little or you should make a sacrifice for it. By doing this it is noticeable and I feel like we can really put our trust in God. It is a lot easier said than done of course. At v21 and other organizations, there are always one time opportunities to give a little extra for something specific above and beyond. This is the money that we find can go above our standard percent and then leave the regular tithing for what in my mind is the regular and basic necessity to run the church.