Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Moos, Boos, and Udders from 5-13

Here are our Moos, Boos, ad Udders from our Community Group meeting!

- Jack's boss' mother-in-law
+ Billy's Graduation and family coming into town
~ Lisa for cleaning to prepare for the visit
+ Lisa's brother just got engaged
~ Hannah's job and finding a roommate in the next 2 weeks
+ Mark went to Asheville to play basketball, raised 25k toward scholarship
+ Mark's car repair was minor, and it runs smoother than a 5$ milkshake
+ Josh's housing arrangement
+ Josh's uncle's wife just had a baby!
~ (for the name)

+ Free beach music at North Hills every Thursday night (Hannah and Nia are going if interested)
+ Camping trip on the beach - Leaving Saturday and coming back (see Hollar for details)
+ Yardwork for Center for Volunteer Caregiving - Tuesdays seem to work for everyone (see mitch for more information)
+ Volunteer at Vintage! (see Billy for more details)

Have a great rest of the week!

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