Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Moos, Boos, and Udders for 9/9

These are our Moos, Boos, and Udders from our last meeting:

- Jack's grandmother in surgery and sister getting married
~ Riley recovering from surgery
+ Josh's coworker Mary getting to work from home
+ Josh's bachelor weekend and seeing a bear
- Josh not being able to get a tattoo
+ Lisa's 5k (finishing and not getting car stolen or towed)
+ Mandy and Josh's Wii
+ Kelly got a job
- Hannah's Mom

Also - This weekend we are having festivities at Hollar's new place. Eat before you come, the activities will start at 1pm and go into the night. Josh and Mandy are providing the hamburgers and hotdogs, so just bring a side or dessert, and your own preferred drink. Also bring your swimsuit or other athletic wear, games, anything you may have fun doing.

Here is Josh's address: 3306 Fallen Acorn Circle, Cary NC

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