Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Moos Boos for 9/30

~Beth still awaiting job movement
+/-Leigh Ann's cyst has good prognosis (60% better)
+Mandy's two tests are over
+Jack's G-ma still doing well
+Jack's sister's wedding (hope that the focus is on the bride/not Beth)
+Mark's Bruce Springstein tickets (best seats yet, may take vacation days)
~Kelly friend in Africa paying tuition, finding sponsor
-Leigh Ann got rear-ended (Moo! no damage!)
+Leigh Ann got a massage
-Billy's job, work/life balance, and focus of life
~Jack is about 1/2 way through program, being in firearms program (and Beth being okay with it), lot of stress to make it work
-Mark's close friend's mother's ex-boyfriend has only 5 months to live, that these would be worthwhile
+Mark is going camping this weekend, brother is going with him

**Volunteers needed
**October 10th Men on Mission

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