Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moos Boos and Udders for 10/7

Here are our Moo's, Boo's and Udders from our meeting this week:

+ Leigh Ann's home improvements
- Jack's grandmother
+ Jack has 4 weeks of classes left!
~ Jack to love the people in his class
- Lisa's work, colleagues
+ Kelly and Matt went to a marriage class last weekend
~ Kelly's doctor results
~ Pray for a new job for Kelly
+ Went camping this weekend and didn't have to think about work
~ Caroline and her work
+ Mark's brother seems motivated with new college
- Leigh Ann's watch died
- Matt's work yesterday
+ Matt's work was better today
+ Beth received blessings for job approval
+ Beth's brother is doing well and got promoted
+ Jack's sister got married
- The wedding made it through awkwardness

+ This weekend is Men on Mission, sign up!

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